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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  July 29, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> schieffer: tonight, we are almost out of time. that was president obama's warning as congress groped for a way to avoid a government default. car makers agree to double the mileage their vehicles get, but jim axelrod reports it will take a while, and there's a catch. it's a diagnosis nobody wants to hear. >> he says "you have bladder cancer," and you could feel the room spinning. >> schieffer: then it got worse. dr. jon lapook on why bladder cancer patients almost never get the recommended treatment. and a pilot crashed into lake huron. >> i'm, like, oh, my god, you survived a plane crash, now you're going to drown. >> schieffer: then came the hard part: lasting 18 hours in 10- foot waves. dean reynolds has his amazing survival story. captioning sponsored by cbs
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this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> schieffer: good evening. scott is off tonight, i'm bob schieffer. the house finally passed the republican plan to raise the debt limit tonight, but that's just one step, and the days are now dwindling down to a precious few. here's how it looks tonight. as of today, the government has less than $39 billion on hand to pay its bills. by tuesday, it will be less than $26 billion; by wednesday, less than $15 billion. but here's where the crunch comes: on wednesday, the government will owe $23 billion to social security recipients. we've got a team of correspondents on this important story tonight, and we're going to start at the capitol with nancy cordes. nancy? >> reporter: bob, the bill narrowly passed a short time ago by a vote of 218-210 with no democrats voting yes.
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and in truth, the negotiations towards a final compromise really couldn't resume until this vote had passed and conservative republicans had had their say. so tonight even democrats are relieved that this vote is behind them. >> all those in favor signify so by saying aye. >> aye. >> those opposed no. >>no. >> reporter: after postponing the vote last night, republican leaders finally found the votes to pass their bill. are you still a no or have you changed your vote? >> no, i'm a yes. >> i am. i am absolutely now an enthusiastic yes. >> reporter: but the conservative holdouts extracted a heavy price, demanding the bill contain a guarantee that congress would vote on-- and pass-- a constitutional amendment to balance the budget as a condition for raising the debt ceiling in the future. >> we will pass an amendment to the constitution of the united states that literally holds a gun to the head of the economy of the united states of america. we ought to be ashamed of
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ourselves, legislating in this way. >> reporter: but house speaker john boehner was willing to attach the controversial measure anyway, to spare himself the humiliation of failing to pass his own bill. >> this house has acted, and it is time for the administration and time for our colleagues across the aisle, put something on the table! tell us where you are! >> reporter: senate majority leader harry reid vowed to kill the g.o.p. bill in the senate. >> no i need something now. >> reporter: senate leaders are arguing now over how many times the debt ceiling should be raised before the next elections. the republicans want to vote on it twice. democrats want just one vote. and the real issue going forward is whether new deficit reductions will come just from spending cuts, or if tax increases can be included. even the senate chaplain is praying for a break through. >> lord help them to comprehend
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the global repercussions of some poor decisions. >> reporter: and the clock is ticking. senate leaders have only until midnight tonight to come up with compromise legislation or they risk not having enough time to vote on it in the house and in the senate by that tuesday deadline, bob. >> schieffer: so, nancy, walk us through this here. what's going to happen next? >> reporter: well, what's happening, hopefully, bob, that senate leaders-- mitch mcconnell, the republican leader and harry reid, the democratic leader-- are hashing out these differences and trying to come up with a final package. and senators on the right and left have been telling us all day long that's exactly what they want. they want compromise at this point. they don't want this hanging out any longer. >> schieffer: and they've got to get this done by wednesday when the government has to send out those social security checks, and right now they don't have the money to do that. okay. thank you very much, nancy. from the beginning it than new republican leaders... members, i should say, who have been the
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biggest problem for their speaker john boehner. for sure they are not exactly household names, so we asked jan crawford to find out who they are and what has been motivating them. >> reporter: the methods congressional leaders once used to strong-arm members to vote the party line don't work with all the new freshmen house republicans. they aren't focused on compromise or even thinking about their own political future. they're here to cut spending. >> i don't care enough about winning reelection and i have to become something that i'm not in order to win, it's not worth it. >> reporter: four of the new congressmen are from south carolina. mick mulvaney, trey gowdy, jeff duncan, and tim scott. they have been among the hardest votes for john boehner to get. >> i think it's fair to say each of us was offered something for our vote in the last couple days over this. >> reporter: now as the debt ceiling debate heads to the brink, these holdouts hear what others in washington are calling
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them. >> neanderthal, radical, revolutionaries. >> reporter: but are you worried that the narrative... your refusal to go along could send the country into a spiral of default and plunging stock markets and escalating mortgage prices? >> what is one person's intransigence is another person's deeply held convictions. >> reporter: with the pressure increasing, they look to one another for support. thursday night, three of them met in a small chapel to pray. >> we spent some time talking and praying and looking at the word for some confirmation. >> reporter: these deeply held convictions mean they won't be easily swayed. >> we're here to fix the system. we're not here to do deals for the sake of doing deals. that's what washington has always done. that's why we're $14 trillion in debt. we're here to fix things. >> i've got three young boys, 16, 13, and 10, and i don't want them ten years from now to say "dad, when y'all were at the brink, what did you do?" i don't want to have to answer them, to have to say, "i didn't do enough." >> reporter: now, bob, even though they have disagreed with
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john boehner and voted against his plan, these four say they strongly support him and they insist the government will still have the money to pay its bills and get checks to the seniors and the military even if there's no deal by tuesday. >> schieffer: okay, jan. thank you very much. jan crawford. the president again urged people to call their member of congress and demand action, but mostly it was just a day of watching and waiting at the white house. norah o'donnell is there again tonight for us. norah? >> reporter: good evening, bob. tonight we're told that the president and vice president are busy making calls up to capitol hill, knowing that as soon as the boehner bill makes it to the senate, they are in a race against the clock to find a solution. today the president issued a strong warning to lawmakers that the time for putting party first is over. >> what's clear now is that any solution to avoid default must be bipartisan. must have the support of both parties that were sent here to represent the american people. not just one faction. >> reporter: he called again on
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the american people to contact their representatives in congress. >> make a phone call, send an e- mail, tweet. keep the pressure on washington and we can get past this. >> reporter: to help the effort, the president unleashed his reelection campaign's powerful online operation, urging his over nine million twitter followers to tweet republican lawmakers to support bipartisan compromise. when asked why mr. obama was using his campaign resources to pressure republicans only, press secretary jay carney denied it was a partisan effort. >> this is not a political game. the american economy hangs in the balance. >> reporter: now, any final compromise is going to have to be agreed to by the white house. the vice president is going to be key in that effort. remember, biden served for three decades in the senate. he has crafted deals in the past with the senate leader mitch mcconnell. still tonight i'm told that president obama has still not spoken with speaker boehner.
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the last time they talked, bob, was five days ago. >> schieffer: all right, norah. well, thank you so much. just when you thought this whole thing couldn't get weirder, the smurfs rang the opening bell at the new york stock exchange today. the market went on to lose another 97 points today and more than 500 for the week. washington was dithering. all that on top of an economy that is already a basket case. here's anthony mason. >> reporter: the economy's in even worse shape than we thought. it grew at a meager 1.3% in the quarter just ended, while growth in the first quarter was revised down to just .4%. the way economist ellen zentner sees it... >> we are in a very precarious situation. when economic growth is rolling along at maybe a 1% rate, there are many that would argue that that could be no growth at all. >> reporter: in scranton, pennsylvania, the so-called steam city, you can see both sides of an economy struggling to pick up steam. the tech startup netdriven is
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hiring. the company, which provides internet marketing for auto businesses, plans to double in size this year. so this is the space you're expanding into? >> we're going to be moving into this space august 15. >> reporter: pat sandone says he's looking for 15 more people. >> there are a lot of very talented candidates that want to come work for us because there aren't a lot of jobs out there. >> reporter: but across town in scranton, paul costanzi is searching the classifieds. how do you feel about heading into the job market? >> that's the scary part. there are no jobs out there. >> reporter: the distribution warehouse he worked for for 31 years is closing, putting 200 people out of work. >> i'm 50 years old, i've been there since out of high school and i was 18. now i don't know where to go. i just have to see. >> reporter: and as washington argues over the debt ceiling, zentner says the economy is hanging in the balance. >> so in a way it's really up to u.s. lawmakers to determine how well are we going to grow in the second half. and that's a scary thought that
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we leave it up to them. >> reporter: zentner says the debt ceiling impasse has made the economic outlook even more uncertain for businesses, and uncertainty means no hiring. bob? >> schieffer: thank you very much, anthony. the army private arrested yesterday and accused of plotting a bomb attack near fort hood was defiant in his first court appearance today. naser abdo refused to stand up for the judge and he later shouted the name of major nidal hasan, who's charged with shooting 13 people to death at fort hood in 2009. it's not known if abdo is connected to hasan or any terror groups. it is a real survivor's story. after his plane crashed, a man was able to tread water for 18 hours. by 2025, your car could be getting 50 miles a gallon. and this could be a first: a million-dollar fender bender when the cbs news continues.
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[ slap! slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums nothing works faster. naturals from delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. >> schieffer: president obama stepped away from the debt crisis far while today to announce a new deal with automakers to make cars that are more fuel efficient. next year's models will average about 30 miles a gallon. by 2025, that will rise to 54.5, which will mean fewer trips to the gas station. jim axelrod has more on that now. >> reporter: in chicago, where the cab of choice is the gas- guzzling crown vic, help is on
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the way for cabbies. >> every day we pay a lot of money for gas. it's taken a lot of money from our pockets. >> reporter: beginning in 2017, car companies have agreed to double the average fuel efficiency of their entire model lines. that will force them to make lighter, smaller vehicles with high-tech gas-sipping engines like hybrids. >> this agreement on fuel standards represents the single most important step we've ever taken as a nation to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. >> reporter: plus, by 2025 we'll >> reporter: according to the white house, buying one tank of gasser two weeks instead of one a week will save $8,000 by the life of a vehicle. plus, by 2025 we'll have cut consumption by 2.2 million barrels a day-- as much as half the oil we import from opec every day. chris ewert knows something about increasing gas mileage. his company makes hybrids even
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more efficient. >> hopefully it reflects on our need to get off of foreign oil as a country and what that's doing to our economy. >> reporter: auto companies have resisted the new standards. they argued they would have to pass on development costs for high-efficiency vehicles to consumers. >> how long before it's done? >> reporter: that's got cab company owner elvin shtayner worried. >> you're going to spend double or triple on the vehicle. so that's tripling your vehicle expense right there. >> reporter: but it's hard to discount the sticker shock of fuel savings over the life of the program. by 2025, the new standards will save american drivers $1.7 trillion mp. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> schieffer: and then there was this. in monte carlo, a woman driving a bentley-- sticker price $360,000-- rammed into a $95,000 mercedes, then sideswiped a
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$220,000 aston martin, which ricocheted into a $95,000 porsche. finally, the bentley hit a $270,000 ferrari. no injuries, but it adds up to a $1 million fender bender. very little escapes our notice here. more than 70,000 americans are diagnosed with bladder cancer each year but only a handful get the recommended treatment. that story next. i love that my daughter's part fish. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry !
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>> schieffer: it doesn't get much publicity-- people don't like to talk about below-the- belt maladies-- but bladder cancer is the fifth most common form of cancer in the u.s. more than 70,000 americans were diagnosed with the disease last year and nearly 15,000 died from it. new research shows that a big problem may be that almost no one gets the recommended treatment. here's dr. jon lapook. >> think it's ready? >> yup. >> reporter: six years ago, adam schaffer was enjoying thanksgiving with his family until... >> i went to the bathroom and there was a whole bunch of red, and it was very scary. >> reporter: he was just 44 years old. the doctor's diagnosis floored him. >> he says "you have bladder cancer." and you could feel the room spinning. >> reporter: his first doctor removed the tumor but did not follow up with standard recommended treatment. failure to follow guidelines is dangerously common and one reason bladder cancer survival has not improved in 25 years,
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says u.c.l.a.'s dr. karim chamie. >> if we were to get a report card based on our performance with these guideline measures i would say we'd be failing. >> reporter: for the first two years after finding early bladder cancer, doctors are supposed to test the urine for abnormal cells and examine the inside of the bladder every three months. they're also supposed to fill it with an anticancer drug at least six times. but among 4,500 patients, only one received that recommended care, and more than 40% of doctors fail to perform those tests even once-- the bare minimum. >> if we miss the boat, we're going to lose them. these are all potentially curable patients. >> reporter: dr. bernard bochner from memorial sloan-kettering specializes in bladder cancer. he says it's unclear why follow- up is so poor. >> this is certainly not acceptable within the medical community. we need to do a better job, there's no question about that. >> reporter: schaffer says he's doing well now because he found a new doctor and the right care.
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>> i do credit the team with saving my life. >> reporter: bladder cancer that hasn't spread has a 50% to 70% chance of recurring. that's why it's so important to stay on top of it. >> schieffer: john, what i don't understand is... i mean, whose responsibility is this? is it the patient or is it the doctor? >> reporter: i think it's both. for the doctor, it's tough to keep track of all this. and this is something a computer is so great at. you put the guidelines in, the person comes in, they haven't been following the guidelines, a little flashing light comes up and reminds you. from the patient point of view, they do have a responsibility, and it's the responsibility of the doctor to have a good enough relationship to look them in the eye and convince them why they should go through sometimes difficult and sometimes uncomfortable and embarrassing procedures in order to give them a chance to save their own life. >> schieffer: okay. well thank you very much dr. jon lapook. last week, rupert murdoch told parliament that being called to testify about a hacking scandal at one of his british tabloids
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made for the most humbling day of his life. then someone hit him in the face with a cream pie. today the man who threw the pie, a comedian named johnnie marbles, pleaded guilty to assault and he said... >> i would just like to say that this has been the most humble day of my life. ( laughter ) >> schieffer: ( laughs ) maybe he can work on some original material after he is sentenced on tuesday. ten-foot waves, no life jacket. a desperate man could only pray for a miracle. his story when we come back. . s. so to save some money, we taught our 5 year old how to dunk. woman: scholarship! woman: honey go get him. anncr: there's an easier way to save.
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>> schieffer: some people have been fortunate enough to survive a plane crash. others have been stranded miles from shore without a boat and lived to tell the tale. well, 42-year-old michael trapp just survived both, and dean reynolds has his story. >> reporter: this is the last place michael trapp thought he'd end up when he left home on wednesday. >> back in business! >> reporter: the upstate new york auto shop owner intended to fly his cessna 150 solo to wisconsin. four hours in, he had engine trouble near the canadian border and crashed into like huron. he was lucky to have survived a 3,000 foot plunge into the relatively balmy 70-degree waters.
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>> when i got out of the plane i was swimming, i was underwater. and when i got to the surface, only the tail was sticking up, and i just grabbed the tail for a second and said good-bye to her and watched her go down. >> reporter: along with it, his emergency beacon sank. it would have alerted the coast guard to his location. 17 miles from shore, all alone and without a life vest, he spotted a smokestack and set his sights on getting there. he alternated between swimming, treading water and floating on his back and stomach. >> a big freighter went within 50 feet of me and never saw me. all the other boats were just too far away to hear me yelling. >> reporter: he was exhausted but refused to close his eyes. >> if you fall asleep, that's your death calling, so i made sure not to fall asleep. i kept my eyes open the whole night, watched the stars. >> reporter: as the hours wore on, he began to fear the worst. >> there was times when i thought it was going to happen, when i was coughing or gagging and just struggling to breathe that i thought that might happen, but i was just hoping
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that there's got to be a boat somewhere that will see me. sooner or later someone's got to see me. >> reporter: after 18 hours one finally did. two women on a yacht called "the eagle's nest" saw trapp waving a sock. captain dean petitpren pulled him aboard. >> if we left five minutes earlier or later it would have been a different story. >> i started crying when they turned around. i was so happy they were coming back to get me. >> reporter: after riding a boat to the shore and an ambulance to the hospital here in saginaw, trapp was weak but in relatively good shape. doctors say he'll be out tomorrow. when he goes home, though, he intends to make that journey by car. dean reynolds, cbs news, saginaw, michigan. >> schieffer: that is the news. scott pelley returns on monday. i'm bob schieffer. i really enjoyed being with you these past couple weeks and we'll see you sunday on "face the nation." thank you. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. there have been some very specific and disturbing allegations that have been raised. >> looks like the honeymoon's over. he isn't even running for sure yet but why some say they already feel betrayed by san francisco mayor ed lee. >> a smarter way of fighting crime. how a formula used to predict earthquakes is helping bay area police catch criminals. i'm christin ayers. we are just about to take you on a live drive across the break. what speed sensors show about how fast you're driving. >> good evening, i'm allen martin. >> i'm dana king. >> he isn't official le running but it's already nasty forints


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